Friday, February 24, 2006

Windom Watch

March is shaping up to be quite a music month:

Thu, Mar 9: Books on Tape (Los Angeles) + Windom Earle + Mark Black @ Gus' Pub

Sat, Mar 18: North By North End - Karaoke Brunch curated & hosted by Jeff Coll and Stephan MacLeod. Sing for TOAST (toast by Stephan MacLeod) @ Gus' Pub ($1.99 brunch, does NOT include coffee/11AM-1PM)

Sat, Mar 25: Akron/Family (New York) + Windom Earle @ Stage Nine. $7/10pm

Sat, Apr 1: [Expletive] the Junos w\ The Sweet Tenders, BA Johnston, the Jeff Coll 5, Mr.Plow (Vancouver) @ Gus' Pub

1 comment:

Jess said...


I heard that the more links to a site there are, the higher google ranks it. north by north end forever.